Emiljan Ceci

Phone Number:

+358 45 158 7629



Founding Partner
Business Consultant & Immigration Specialist

Mr. Emiljan Ceci is a remarkable and versatile professional with extensive expertise in the field of immigration law and international affairs. With his exceptional international experience, Emiljan stands out as an outstanding consultant who consistently delivers exceptional results. With over 8 years of experience in Finnish immigration, business consultation and administrative field, Emiljan has established himself as a trusted and respected figure in the international and Finnish community.

Emiljan’s entrepreneurial mindset and experience with various business and immigration related projects have further enhanced his capabilities as an immigration and business specialist. His ability to navigate complex immigration issues while keeping a keen eye on business considerations sets him apart. Clients can trust that Emiljan will provide agile, solid, and reliable consultation, ensuring their interests are protected and their objectives achieved.

As a Partner at Appeals & Cases Law Office, Emiljan works closely with Jouni Lehtimäki, together overseeing all practices of the firm. Emiljan is dedicated to building a strong team that is committed to achieving favorable outcomes for clients.

Overall, Emiljan Ceci is an invaluable asset and Partner at Appeals & Cases Law Office. His wealth of experience, knowledge, and skill are the driving forces behind the firm’s success. Clients can rely on Emiljan to provide exceptional consultation/representation and guide them toward favorable outcomes.

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