Picture of Emiljan Ceci

Emiljan Ceci

Emiljan Ceci is one of the founding partners of the Appeals & Cases Law Office, a specialist in Immigration Affairs and a Business Consultant.

Another Positive Decision!

We are very happy to announce that we have received another positive decision. Our client has been following us for quite some time now on our Facebook page since he wanted to support us but also had a hunch that he might eventually need our assistance. 

Unfortunately, he received a negative decision in his latest residence permit application, at which point he contacted us directly. We had to appeal the case to the Administrative Court and communicate with his employer to work together towards overturning the negative decision our client had received.

The employer was ready to engage and followed our advice to the letter. It took almost 40 days, but the waiting was worth it. Our client has been served with a one-year residence permit and he has expressed his gratitude and shared his joy with us! 
In moments like this, we love our job since we rebuilt the faith of many in the Finnish immigration Service system. Most of the time, negative decisions such as the one our client received are overturned by our experts. 

We ask those who find themselves in need of such services to contact us, receive consultation on their case and allow us to represent their best interest.

We have expanded our operation to other legal fields, such as Employment Law, Criminal Law, Civil Law, Family Law and more!

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